Female Revision Rhinoplasty:
Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Compton, Troy, MI

Case #3020

This wonderful woman had previous rhinoplasty but her septum was not addressed at that time so she was having persistent trouble breathing. She also had significant external nasal valve collapse (nostril collapse). She also had some irregularities to the appearance including a depression in the right nasal tip, a ridge running from the nasal bones to the tip, irregularities to the right nasal bone and visible Left lateral osteotomy site (fracture site).

She underwent an open approach rhinoplasty so that I could evaluate the true deformity to the nasal tip. After I straightened the septum, I used a piece of septal cartilage to fill in the divot in the right nasal tip which was secondary to the previous tip suturing. I used septal cartilage grafts to perform bilateral lateral crural strut grafts to support the nostrils and rasped down the bony irregularities.

She was very pleased with breathing result as well as the cosmetic enhancements. Many of the improvements are not well visualized with the camera lighting but are more apparent in person.

Individual Results May Vary