

In-office skin tightening, resurfacing, and fat reduction with minimal to no downtime!

Inmode LogoMorpheus 8 is a non-surgical way to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. Morpheus 8 uses radiofrequency microneedling energy, which targets the subdermal layers of skin to remodel and promote production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

“Great job”

Thanks for the great job you did on me. May the good Lord continue to bless you!

– T.C.

If you are not quite ready for a full facelift or other more invasive procedure, there is now a full range of options available to treat any area you want!

Your Morpheus8 will be performed by Dr. Andrew Compton at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital, West Bloomfield surgery center or in his office in Troy.

Morheus8 LogoMorpheus is a Non-surgical skin remodeling procedure used to tighten skin and treat acne scars, surgical scars, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and hyperhidrosis. It is safe to use on most skin types.

Morpheus 8 is the gold standard of radiofrequency microneedling treatments. This procedure is perfect for patients looking to address fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, acne scars, stretch marks, and even hyperhidrosis.

How Long Will Morpheus8 Take?

Treatments are sold in packages of 3, that are done every 4-6 weeks. All treatments are done in the office by a medical provider, and take up to 1 hour. Topical numbing can be applied, if desired 45 minutes before treatment starts to help make treatment more comfortable. Ointment will be applied to the face/treatment area after treatment is over. The skin will feel like a mild sunburn for an hour or two after treatment.

What is the Recovery Time After Morpheus?

There is little to no thermal damage done to the outer layer of skin after Morpheus treatments, which makes downtime minimal. It usually takes 2-3 days of social downtime due to the treatment area being red and irritated. Mild bruising may occur for 48-72 hours after treatment. It is recommended to stay out of direct sunlight, and to wear SPF if staying out of sun isn’t possible.

When are the Results Noticeable?

Most patients notice changes in the skin after the first Morpheus 8 treatment. 3-4 weeks after the last Morpheus 8 session is when most patients notice healthier and more firm skin.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are interested to learn more about Morpheus8 in Troy, visit our clinic. We’re happy to answer all your questions and concerns. Contact us today!

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