Nanofat is an injectable stem cell treatment that uses your own stem cells to improve healing, regrow hair, improve skin health and maximize the outcomes from minimally invasive procedures.
Nanofat is a specific type of fat graft. Fat is removed from your lower abdominal or inner thigh fat with a liposuction canula. This fat is cleaned, mechanically processed, and purified. This results in a liquid solution of lipid, cell signaling molecules, vascular fragments, and most importantly, your own Adipocyte Derived STEM CELLS (ADSC). This combination of cells and molecules provides a potent regenerative cocktail ready to be injected into the areas of need.
Adipocyte derived stem cells are the native stem cells present in abundant quantities in the lower abdomen and inner thigh fat. They are present in the fat to provide regeneration and soft tissue repair in case of injury. When ADSCs are activated by trauma or injury response, they do 4 important things. First, they remodel and create more extracellular matrix and hyaluronic acid the soft tissue web that cells live in. Second, they promote growth of new blood vessels and lymphatic pathways. Third, ADSCs regulate the local immune system to promote healing. Lastly, they increase local cell turnover to refresh and rejuvenate the surrounding tissues.
Nanofat is believed to be much more powerful and longer lasting form of stem cell therapy compared to PRP. ADSC will help rebuild soft tissue and remain in the location after healing. The stem cells from the blood (PRP) are generally used to promote the early healing processes then dissipate. This is not to say that PRP is not a great product with many uses as well.
The other major issue is that nanofat contains free lipid that acts like an internal skin moisturizer. There is also extra cellular matrix which provides structure for the new cells to live in, speeding the growth of new tissues. Nanofat also contains vascular fragments which are pieces of blood vessel that are ready to plug and play into the surrounding tissues to quickly get new blood supply to the healing tissue. This greatly increases vascular ingrowth as well as lymphatic drainage for the healing tissues. The ADSC have not been separated from their surrounding cell matrix and this provides the scaffolding for healing tissues to organize on.
Nanofat itself does not contain viable fat cells, so will not permanently add volume to the face. We often harvest more fat than required for the nanofat, so we can additionally perform facial fat grafting to correct volume or contour deficiencies.
Nanofat is being investigated in most areas of medicine, and truly the applications are almost unlimited. Specifically in Dr Compton’s clinic the most common application is to improve dark circles under the eye, rejuvenate the hands, optimize fat grafting, improve wound healing, prepare nasal skin for revision rhinoplasty and to maximize Morpheus 8 results.
Anyone who desires improved healing, maximized results or refreshed appearance.
Relative contraindications would be patients on immunosuppressive therapies, those with active cancer, ongoing infection, bleeding disorder or patients on mandatory blood thinners. Allergies to local anesthetics, or poor health preventing a clinic procedure. Those with body dysmorphic disorder, unrealistic expectations, or severe mental illness. Those with diabetes, cardiac disease and chronic liver disease require special consideration as to the risk and benefits.
This is an advanced stem cell therapy that is typically performed in a highly qualified physician’s office. Based on multiple patient factors, graft volume requirements, desired application and the practice location, the price will vary. In the Midwest, the cost is typically around $2000-$8000 for a full facial session, but closer to $2500 for a cosmetic hand treatment.
Come in for a consult to obtain a personalized quote. Dr. Compton currently charges $2,250 for one nanofat treatment for dark circles and facial skin treatment. $3,500 for one session of Nanofat plus autologous fat grafting to the face. Patients may require more than one session depending for undereye treatment or 2 sessions for facial volume restoration.
Thanks for the great job you did on me. May the good Lord continue to bless you!
– T.C.
Nanofat Overview
Nanofat is an injectable treatment that is a compact collection of your own stem cells, signaling molecules and lipid that has major regenerative and tissue remodeling potential. In other words, if we inject it after a procedure, we can amplify the healing process to maximize the results of less invasive treatments. This has been proven many times in controlled laboratory studies, wound healing studies and post-surgical studies. This improved healing effect makes sense when you analyze the composition of nanofat that includes all the cells and molecules that the skin needs to heal. It is not a fat transfer, it is pulling out the stem cells from the fat. It’s similar to PRP but more powerful, adds the components needed for healing and has sustained benefits. Truly the applications are endless, but Dr Compton currently uses it in a few situations where benefit has been proven. Currently these include, in combination with Morpheus radiofrequency microneedling, skin resurfacing, under eye, lip enhancement, scar revision, and for facial skin rejuvenation.
Nanofat is fat harvested from the abdomen through a small 2 millimeters incision in your belly button. There will not be enough fat removed to change the abdominal contours. The fat is washed, then processed to break apart the large fat cells, and then passed through filters to isolate out the stem cells from any remaining large fat cells. What comes out of the filter is Nanofat, a liquid containing free lipid, other cellular building blocks, and of course, adipocyte derived stem cells, ADSCs. The nanofat can then be injected into and under the skin in the treatment areas to maximize the healing. This will amplify the healing of the tissues and make the skin healthier with more blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, collagen, and elastin. It will amplify the results of Morpheus 8, and other minimally invasive treatments.
Nanofat is similar to PRP (platelet rich plasma) in that they both use your own cells to maximize healing, but nanofat offers even more advantages. The first is that nanofat has an extracellular matrix (web in which cells live) to provide immediate support to the healing tissues. Nanofat has a large amount of free lipid component as well, which acts like an intense skin moisturizer from below. Most importantly the stem cells provided by nanofat are the correct cells for rebuilding soft tissue and organizing healing rather than scarring. They stay in the tissues for a long time providing signaling molecules for months to come. (PRP is considered a large one time hit of signaling molecules.) Many papers support the theory that these adipose derived cells are activated and work much better in this low oxygen healing environment (fat is mostly a low oxygen environment). There are also a whole host of cell signaling molecules which are present in the processed fat that provide an initial boost to the healing.
The central players in nanofat are of course the adipose derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSC) These ADSCs modulate the immune response to be anti-fibrotic (stops scar), enhancing organized collagen production, anti-inflammatory and stops cells from undergoing cell self-destruction. They start repairing the surgical damage by organizing and repairing the connective tissues, increasing blood vessel and lymphatic channel growth, and producing signaling molecules to modify the healing process in many ways. Unlike PRP (platelet rich plasma), these cells stay in this area and produce these signals on an ongoing basis rather than the one-time bump of PRP. They become the foreman of the healing process, and this sustained management over the months of healing allows the healing to be more organized and comprehensive.
The other components of nanofat are a whole host of useful cells and molecules to maximize healing. One key piece is called microvascular fragments. These are pieces of the small blood vessels from the fat harvest that the healing area will put use to easily bring new blood supply into the area. This speeds the process of neovascularization, improving tissue quality, and health in days rather than weeks.
Overall nanofat is a game changing injectable enhancement that maximizes the healing of our cosmetic surgeries and amplifies the benefits of our minimally invasive cosmetic procedures like Morpheus, lasers and resurfacing.